

The Alvar Aalto designed Paimio Sanatorium in Western Finland photographed by Tuomas Uusheimo


Tuomas Uusheimo 50th anniversary artist exhibition presents a series of photographs. It is a series of photographs what were always there, waiting for someone to take the time to meet them.

Lauttasaari water tower

Driving home on a late October evening I saw a yellow mushroom thru the car window.

Hyvinkää Sveitsi diving pool

I daydreamed about my childhood summers, laying on the grass by the diving pool with my best friend.

Galactica club Poland

After the coffee I took a stroll around the nameless town in the morning sun.

It felt like the last day of the summer and I new I would be moving house again soon.

Empty billboard

Sometimes I pass by a landscape that I had just been imagining a moment or two before.

Golgatha of palm trees

To find a landscape worth photograping, it is often the best idea to walk to random direction and follow the same route back.

Yellow facade in mist

Some buildings exist in every city of the world, they are torn down on the exact same day.

Every country road makes a fine photograph, if you just take the time to stop an appreciate the view.